Wednesday 9 August 2023


Her wedding band was a gesture of love and marriage

It was love in disguise 

It was deceitful  bogus love 

Where was her fiance's commitment?

His betrayal with another damsel 

Seeing his lover at the wedding 

Made the bride's heart in misery 

The infidelity started with the same damsel

Regardless of marrying his spouse 

Where was he, when his spouse needed the most?

Why has he forsaken her?

In the end, they separated 

Her Sapphire ring changed to

 An Aquamarine   ring 

Shows her newfound freedom in life 

A fatal accident took her life 

Along with her true love 

She is still the queen of the people's heart

Sunday 6 August 2023




Wall is desolate

Filled with everything 

Evolve in the surrounding 

Bare is the wall

Life of a person

Is like a bare wall

The bare wall is bare

With white paint on it 

Where a desolate person is bare in life

If there is a besotted person

To make the bare wall

Painted with euphoric life

To make the desolate person 

Be euphoric in life

To have a besotted person in life

Gives us the courage to achieve everything 

To share our achievements with our  besotted person

To make the bare wall

Into the wall of memories 

With love and kindness 

In our life journey