Monday 22 April 2024




Wandering through the desert,

Under the scorching sun,

I walk in a weary state,

With no hope left to live.

But I soar high in courage,

To reach the road that leads me home,

With no means to survive,

But I reach my home 

Laid rest with beloved ones

What binds us together

 Which is love

My past   was a tale of knowing the world

My future  is a tale of living


As the water drops

So the time runs 

As the cherry blossom

So does the rain come by

The narratives created

Cease the time to make it

Alas, Alas 

The passage of time is short

With no regard to the

 Expectations for the future

As the world is chaos and muck

Where a nudge is created

To see and understand 

Everything goes by

Waiting for a new dawn 

Hearing the chirping sound

Of the birds

As the sun rises



  There was bliss 

In every nature

As the plants bloom

So is  the  flowers

Grow among the thorns

In the array of bliss

As they begin to live

Among  the thorns

As they pass away

They withered like

Last dried leaf and flower

Lost it's beauty

As they reach the last leg of life

To  bloom and be blissful

In the creator's comfort

In the bliss of nature

Sunday 24 September 2023


As seasons came and went by

I reached the last leg of everything 

In the morning 

It was sour of wall

In evening

It was the onset of bareness

Wishing every day to be  a paradise 

Filled with everything

To be erased in life

Sooner I learned that 

Life can be the seasons

With every person 

Which is lesson

To be learn 

In the life

At the end of the last leg

I continue this journey


Wednesday 9 August 2023


Her wedding band was a gesture of love and marriage

It was love in disguise 

It was deceitful  bogus love 

Where was her fiance's commitment?

His betrayal with another damsel 

Seeing his lover at the wedding 

Made the bride's heart in misery 

The infidelity started with the same damsel

Regardless of marrying his spouse 

Where was he, when his spouse needed the most?

Why has he forsaken her?

In the end, they separated 

Her Sapphire ring changed to

 An Aquamarine   ring 

Shows her newfound freedom in life 

A fatal accident took her life 

Along with her true love 

She is still the queen of the people's heart

Sunday 6 August 2023




Wall is desolate

Filled with everything 

Evolve in the surrounding 

Bare is the wall

Life of a person

Is like a bare wall

The bare wall is bare

With white paint on it 

Where a desolate person is bare in life

If there is a besotted person

To make the bare wall

Painted with euphoric life

To make the desolate person 

Be euphoric in life

To have a besotted person in life

Gives us the courage to achieve everything 

To share our achievements with our  besotted person

To make the bare wall

Into the wall of memories 

With love and kindness 

In our life journey

Sunday 23 July 2023


In the old chapter

There were bad decisions

There was a desperate love

There was a bummer experience

Every page was a lesson

To be understood and move on

In this new chapter

 Proceed to embark on and confront

 Boulders threw at me

Embrace each moment of life

Stop expecting and Accept the reality

Rising from the slumber

Let the creator of everything 

Prepare me for the best and the worst 

To come into my life


 In this blue paradise 

Love finds you 

When you are least

 Expecting it in life

Is this real love

Or a bogus love

To find true love is rarest 

In this blue paradise 

Love is a frolic

Falls like an ocean

The cold breeze makes  

You more  sealed

In this blue paradise

Love was hard

Filled with hardship

Like burned flame

This love was started 

With blue sapphire stone

Engraved with love

Parted ways with the love of her life 

Became a slaughtered lamb

To someone for a wedding

Her life was miserable 




It is a silent night

With a paradise road

Left with a driving car

And a drunkard person 

With a street dog

The neighbourhood   is a gossip tale 

For the spouses and kids

Left with no privacy 

The multitude is bogus

They are affluent with money

Scorning the needy

Disdain for shoddy work

Keep the affluent money

In a pile of filthy cup

Play and dance with the wealth

In the silent paradise


 The naive damsel came 

To the new city, in the hope to get everything 

Never thought life was tough 

Ditched by adorned ones 

Crammed with every crisis 

Phases for pain started

With covid and depression 

Phases for hate started 

Not ready to trust anyone 

In every phase,  learned 

About everything in life 

People are interim 

Pain is interim 

Hate is interim 

She gets solace when she doesn't want  to have it 

She gets love when she doesn't want to have  it 

Learned  in a low state of life 

About the phases of everything

Monday 17 July 2023


Burned  my   papers in a pile of fire

Those papers carried poems

I regret burning those papers

  I was taken back to memory lane

Where I used

To write poetry 

I was scoffed at for my writing 

I then gave up on writing 

My rage made  me

To write again 

It gave me life 

When I was crammed with adversities

Made me burn the pages of my book

I regretted   burning 

Each page of my book

Where I wrote my poems

I missed that book

Made me learned 

Now, I am in the paradise of writing

Where I can be myself



Burned in chaos

 Left me in a lurch way

Alas it made me know  everything

Whom I love now

Doesn't know I love him 

Dreading to lose him  

My urge to have a life with him

Is impossible to start

Leaving behind this love 

Beginning to start a fresh life

To know and gain

From my skills

Life is fallacy 

About Love and Success

Unleash my  outrage

Towards every nasty thing  

Occurred in my life

I want a cure to  endure

My vengeance is on the cusp

To end in a fight or  forgive

Sunday 16 July 2023



The Journey   was awful

As it attains 

Each phase of the road to life

It is a wilderness  

To have misery and take the risk

To reach the dream

Ahead of the road

There are boulders thrown 

Getting through it

It is hard

It is worth it to have it

To know life in a manner

On each cusp of the road

Good days give joy

Bad days give knowledge 

Worst days give a lessons

Best days give memories

On the cusp of each road

Never give up 

If everything is   crushed

Start from beginning

Saturday 15 July 2023


Defeat encircled and startled

Gave me the misery to flee

My outrage made me

To know my skill

My mate was there 

To support and cheer me up

To pursue my skill

Alas I was able to achieve it

But I was able to  not unleash

My adornment to mate

Felt it will ravage me

But able to 

Unleash to flourish in my skill

Not in my love



Light was radiant 

So radiant to know 

The charm and simile 

Eyes frowned like a light 

Fallen deep in that light 

I want to be a part of that Light in that lamp 

Ceased for  that light folk 

Want that folk to follow me 

The day arrived, and it followed  me



Each page is written by us

Each page has a number

Each page has a line

Each page has a date

This page is our story

Crammed with several adversities 

The line to move on in life

Date to get over everything in past

In this story,  we are the Author of our book

Past is our guide

The future is our map

Monday 10 July 2023


Damsel proceeds to be a bride

Where her freedom is ceased

As she is about to walk down the aisle with her dad

Glanced look from the guest

Looking at the damsel 

In a bogus happy manner

Gossip about the damsel

Where is her happiness?

Where is her comfort?

Is that her future?

Where is her voice for independence?

She was a lamb to be slain 

Her sapphire stone wedding ring was  enormous

Crammed with sorrow and infidelity of her fiancee 

Seeing her fiance's lover

Her heart was in despair 

As she walks the aisle with her dad

Her bogus fiancee remarked

On her body weight

Where the damsel covered

The pain and emotion in a bogus  mask

No one was there for her 

Everyone used her 

Left her on a staggered path



Chirping birds sound 

Makes me awakened 

From my slumber 

Glance at the morning dawn 

Glimpsing at the green plant 

Surround with beautiful sky 

Surpassing to see the blooming flower 

Brings to my day the finest 

A cool breeze makes me 

To do a paradise walk 

My chamber is filled with green plants 

Makes me delighted 

To do things in a better way


Keep the ego with you 

Change your mindset 

Nothing last much more than your ego 

Be in your lane 

Don't teach us to be a slave 

Time changes 

Everything should be equal 

You cannot disdain us 

We earned the position 

More than your ego  

Your ego leaves in a lurch 

Keep your ego on your couch

Stop bantering on us 

Our bantering is better than yours 

We make better things 

To earn respect as you do

Monday 3 July 2023



Your brown eyes are  rarest

It gives life to others

To me, you gave love

To love you the most

You found me in pieces

With your brown eyes

Where you saw and know

My good and worst side

And lead me in peace

Show me the love

Been mine, tremendous  support

Your bewitching brown eyes 

Was in tears of sorrow

On your late father's birthday

Took you to memory lane of him

I saw your tears and the pain 

Which you  concealed

I am there to hear you

And support you

You were there for me

Now I will be there for you



Raise from my  slumber

With a hunch gesture 

In   my heart 

Left with the hunch gesture

Accomplished the needful 

Understood my blunders

Time is not my friend 

Understand and seek the possibilities

Kept for me in that door

The door is kept  for me

When it is meant for me

If it is for me

No one can take it  away



The herder of the flock

Finding the lost sheep

The sheep left for the mountain 

For better life to be happy

The herder found the sheep

The sheep was not ready to go with the herder

The sheep wanted a life

Without the herder

The sheep wanders like a dead leaf

So the sheep reunites with the herder

It was a blissful moment



Multitude says love is in the aura

In aura, there is no love

Only a bogus love

With bogus people

Filled with despair

Want to have love

In my aura

Never will I get it

When I am least

Expecting, it comes

But I am not ready 

To have it or

To face it

Alas,  I don't  want to have

This aura, love and despair

I end with this  reality


To end and say bye

Was a complex phrase for me

I am ready to say goodbye

Who made me smile?

Be there for my worst 

Be there for everything 

I am like a candle

Left the candle stick 

To melt it out

To say my goodbye

Goodbye to this road

The Road of every memory

In my life, I cherished the most