Monday 10 July 2023


Damsel proceeds to be a bride

Where her freedom is ceased

As she is about to walk down the aisle with her dad

Glanced look from the guest

Looking at the damsel 

In a bogus happy manner

Gossip about the damsel

Where is her happiness?

Where is her comfort?

Is that her future?

Where is her voice for independence?

She was a lamb to be slain 

Her sapphire stone wedding ring was  enormous

Crammed with sorrow and infidelity of her fiancee 

Seeing her fiance's lover

Her heart was in despair 

As she walks the aisle with her dad

Her bogus fiancee remarked

On her body weight

Where the damsel covered

The pain and emotion in a bogus  mask

No one was there for her 

Everyone used her 

Left her on a staggered path

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